What is a coffee and tea set made of
“A/S M.S. Kuzņecovs” and “J. Jesena porcelāna
fabrika”; traditions implied that a coffee set for 6 people consisted
of a coffee pot, sugar tray, cream pot, 6 cups, cup saucers and dessert dishes.
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Riga porcelain marks
"Rīgas keramikas fabrikas" ex A/S M.S. Kuzņecovs - porcelāna izstrādājumi.
1940.-1941., colors: red, blue, green More info ...
Literature about Riga porcelain

2005., "Rīgas porcelāna muzejs"
112 lpp , Format: 17 x 17
Cup sizes of Riga Porcelain sets
When looking at the photos of the sets produced by Riga Porcelain factories it is not an easy task to tell the sizes of the cups. To bring some clarity to the issue some measurements have been done. More info...